
My goodness does James ever enjoy a game of on/off. On/off t.v., on/off v.c.r., on/off flashlight, on/off lights... on/off ANYTHING! Lock your doors, you've been warned!

Look at that agile little finger of his...

"Where is the on/off button on that thing mama??"

Jelly Bean, oh yes indeed!

Adrian took these sweet little photos of James one afternoon... I think they are really lovely.
Our little baby is turning into a little boy... oh boy... snif, snif! I hope he never moves out!


♫ Picture Book ♫ ♪

♫ "Picture book, pictures of your mama, taken by your papa, a long time ago..."♪ ♫ ♪ The Kinks.

Is it me or are there always more photos of mamas than of papas? Hmmm, perhaps one of life's greatest mysteries.

"Ahhh! Your bangs looks fine mama..."

"O.k., o.k. but it's the last one already... jeez!"

Good morning sunshine!

Well, these pictures were technically not taken first thing in the morning the morning, but right after a nap , but you get the picture (haha, no pun intended). After almost 1 year of naps, that's well over 1100 naps, it's still such a delight for Adrian and I to hear our little man's waking noises or crib chatter after each and every one of his well-deserved naps...100% awesomeness!!!

50% Sleepy- 50% happy face.

75% happy, 25% sleepy face.

80% awake face, 15% pointing finger, 5% drool.


1 year - month= 11 months!

James is already 11 months old in this photo, one month shy of being a whole 1 year old. Time has officially accelerated since he's been with us, we've been so busy, with every single second now filled with with James, which translates to immense and pure joy, love... and loads of fun!

" You again. That makes it, what, 11 identical photo shoots?"

"Here, I'll fix your mane. We had to let our hairstylist go..."

"What's going on?"

"11 what? 11 moths? Where?"

Bathtime= Party time, every time.

Cute and civilized, at first...

"Yum, baby whale tail!"

Followed by not-so-civilized splish-splashing.

"SPLASH! Haha!"

Concluded by complete exhaustion... and bedtime!



We were invited by to spend the day with our dear friends Marc and Michelle in Hudson, and boy oh boy was it ever glorious.

James lost no time and began looking for animal crackers in the grass...

James has become quite the nuzzler... especially with ladies!

James dancing the salsa with Michelle... caliente!

Marc and James, philosophizing...

"Up...up...up... PONY!"
A hit with James... and Marc.

This photo sums up our day: J-O-Y!

Did someone say animal crackers, and Boubou?

After many attempts, mentoring, visualization, cheering, positive thinking, it was a trail of animal crackers that made James Wolf decide to crawl... at 10 1/2 months... finally! Before that, James could slid backwards and in circles, but not forward, not until he had crackers as an incentive!

1-2-3 go!

"Would you happen to have more animal crackers?"

James' newly acquired skill changed everything, especially for Boubou. From the very beginning, James has been completely smitten with our little furry man, and crawling and being able to stand up (which James quickly learned how to do shortly after he learned how to crawl) has meant constant and I mean constant sneak-attacks from James.

Step 1: locate and quietly crawl towards Boubou

Step 2: Lift oneself up...

Step 3: Steady... and awaken the sweet sleeping beast.

Step 5: This always ends, without fail, with Boubou
running away.


Is there a doctor in the house?

Why yes there is: Dr. JellyBean M.D.
His areas of expertise: ripping/eating Kleenex and bruising mangoes.

"It's worse than I thought..."

"I think he'll make it."


Swimming, swimming in my swimming pool...

It was a PERFECT day for a swim; hot, sunny, birds chirping, a new 15$ pool, grandma smiling and watching her grandson about to go for his first swim, excitement, camera recharged and ready to go. The PERFECT day for making memories. I even remembered the hat, the sunscreen!

I'd would have loved to immortalize James' first encounter with a POOL as being swimmingly and wonderfully AMAZING, but that would be a bit of a, well, it would be a big fat lie! We were able to capture pre-swim photos as well as some post-swim freak out-comfort shots, but none of the terrible in-between period when James hit the water, which can be summed up by the following: 90% terror and 10% extreme terror.

Pre-swim excitement in grandma's arms...

Post-swim extreme comfort-cuddoodling.

Let's cross our fingers that next week's swim will be a little less terrifying and a little more fun!

Out of town SURPRISE!

My dearest and sweetest aunt, Tata, who had only seen James Wolf once, about 8 moons ago when he was but 3 months old, came to town a few weeks ago with pretty much 3 things on her mind: JELLYBEAN, JELLYBEAN AND JELLYBEAN!

Tata-Claus even gave James one of those hats with snazzy straps!

Double smooch!


We can't wait to see you again Tata!


Oh mama mia!

Four words: I LOVE MY MAMAS!

At least once a week, we, 5 fabulous mamas + 8 bodacious babies + snacks + MORE! get together for some serious fun and usually a little mischief...

Let me introduce the mamas: April, Steph, Stace, Michelle, me...

... and Andrea!
The babies: Hannah-Banana, Jackie-Bear
(and PL-peanut, he's our latest arrival in the first photo)

... Sweet Sabine, Isa-Bella ...

... Oscarito ...

... CK-L.M.N.O.P ...

... and of course JellyBean.

I know we'll still be meeting up once a week way after our kids have graduated from high school...and moved out... and gotten married.


Big hats, bubbles and beloved grandparents, oh my!

Every Sunday, les Popoviches head out to Adrian's parents for some food and some fun... and a whole lot of Mr. Baby, aka, Jellybean worshiping!

Every Sunday begins with carefully putting together the perfect outfit
and hat...

...and certainly some JellyBean throwing
in the air...

...and maybe setting some bubbles free with papa out in the garden...

...and telling grandma some jokes...

...and snapping some family portraits...

... and playing table-bongo with bunic...

... and stealing some sips of coffee...

... and last but not least, cuddles.

Why can't everyday be a Sunday?